Somebody raises a question, Has anybody heard ofAnne Frank?. Yeah, wasnt she the one who perished in Second World War?, replies another. This is what we usually hear about Anne Frank. But she was more, much more, than what she is known to be. Born on 12th June 1929, she had immense courge and endurance, which she showed in worst turns of life. She was a Jew, and as everybody knows, Nazis had tortured and killed millions of Jews in their concentration camps during the Second World War. Putting his foresight to use, Annes father, Otto Frank saw what was to come next, and took his family , and some other friends into hiding. Their hiding place, named The Secret Annexe by Anne in her diary, was supported by his non-Jewish friends, Kraler, Koophius, Miep and elli. It was an office converted into hiding place. This is when Anne writes her beautiful diary. She made her diary her friend to whom she could talk out all her strong feelings, which she couldnt tell to her family members. Her diary, named Kitty has been considered as the work of a literary genius. Praised by everyone, even by US President Elanor Roosevelt, her diary has been sold in millions in the Pan American countries alone. According to her diary, her life went on, crouched in a small place like the secret annexe. Then, she fell in love with a boy named Peter, who was her fathers friends son, and was living with them. While reading her diary, one gets so full of emotions that he keeps on reading it till its finished. Now one question remains, what happens to Anne next? On 4th August 1944, the office is raided by Nazis and Kraler and Koophuis are compelled to reveal the secret. The Jewish prisoners along with Kraler and Koophuis are sent to concentration camps. Annes father survives by a strange twist of events. Annes mother dies on 5th Jan 1945 in a concentration camp. Anne and her sister Margot are sent Bergen Belsen, a concentration camp, two months before Annes mothers death. In Feb 1945, both the sisters catch Typhus( some disease). One day Margot falls from a certain height and in her weakness dies due to the shock. Her sisters death does to Anne what all her previous sufferings failed to do, it breaks her spirit. A few days later in March, she dies.