The story of a young girl is a remarkable book written by Anne Frank, a thirteen years old girl. This book is a document of horror and humiliation of second world war. This book is written in the form of diary and it is chronologically written from Sunday, 14 June , 1942.This book was first published in 1947 in Holland under the title Het Achterhuis. Anne Frank’s account changes the wrought upon eight people hiding out from the Nazis for two years during the occupation of Holland, living in constant fear and isolation , imprisoned not only by the terrible outward circumstances of war but inwardly by themselves,
In her diary Anne wants to bring out all kinds of thing that lie buried deep in her heart. This book itself tells how she matured from her thirteen to fifteen. The paper is more patient than man. This girl knows the impact of Hitler’s Anti Jews law program. She wanted to draw a picture of total environment in the beginning of her diary. She tells, in 1938 two of her uncle (mother’s brother) escaped to the USA. Anne’s family emigrated to Holland in 1933 where her father appointed Managing Director of Travies N.V. She tells “After May 1940 good times rapidly fled: first the war, then the capitulation, followed by the arrival of the Germans., which is when the sufferings of us Jews really began”. Anti Jews decree followed each other in quick succession. Jews must wear a yellow star. Jews must hand in their bicycles. Jews are banned from trains and are forbidden to drive. Anne was compelled to leave Montessori school and to attend the Jews Lyceum. Anne always thought about sensitive things . On July 5 1942 The German summoned 16 year old Margaret( Anne’s sister) to report for deportation. The following morning the Frank ( Anne’s father) slipped away from their home and went into hiding in the “secret annexe.” They were soon joined there by a business associate to Otto Frank, Mr Van Daan and his family. Later , they invited elderly dentist Albert Dussel to share their refuge. Anne’s diary tells of the life of a group of Jews waiting fear of being caught by the Nazis. Anne disclosed in her diary her love and first kiss to Peter.
Anne’s diary ends on August 4 1944. This Gestapo raid on the secret annexe. All the occupants were arrested and sent to German and Dutch concentration camp.
Among the piles of old books, news paper , magazines on the floor Anne’s diary was
Found by Miep and Elli.
Of all occupants of the “Secret Annexe”. Anne’s father alone returned who withstood the hardship of Duct camp.
In march 1945 two months before the liberation of Holland , Anne died in the concentration camp at Bergen-Belsen.