When it comes to remembering dates( I dont mean those that grow on the palm trees in Arabia :-) ) I am a poor soul. I do have a diary where I have noted down all the important dates, but then I dont always carry it around !! (no its not heavy!) .
So after a lot of forgetting and then listening to the pooh poohs of my near & dear ones and after getting out of my phase of self pity, I decided enough was enough!! I need to do something about this!!
my mind raced on the various options in front of me.]
I could visit the shrink (EEKKSS!!)
I could gulp down those promising memory tonics (EEKKSS again)!!
Start the day with a long peep in the events diary.(Gosh is there no other easy way?)
Guess the Gods were appeased by my rantings. A friend directed to me a URL. and yes u guessed it right it was diarysmart.com
I then registered on the site and the rest is history(to my friends yup!)
Well I just love this site. and Why? see the points below.
1: Easy registration. Ur email address is the login name.
2: The interface is wonderful. You get to see the listing of events starting from the most relevant date.
3: You get a reminder email as set by you for every relevant event.
4: You can enter your reminders manually or send a common email to your friends directing them to the site to fill their details.
5: No promotional(read it as spam) mails from the site itself.
But then I do have a grouse about this site. It takes a long time to load.(guys I have an ISDN line and even then!!) Should I blame it on the popularity of the site?
Well so there!! Looks like I just got a mail from diarysmart. Its my best friendss wedding anniversary!! Thanks diarysmart for reminding me!
Guys I do feel u ought to give it a try. I m very happy with this smart site. What say u?