A lush and green town situated in the bank of river Brahmaputra. The first Medical college of Assam was built in Dibrugarh town as Assam Medical College formerly Berry white Medical college. But now the town has innumerable private hospital. And for your kind information let me tell you that, these hospitals are more busy in extracting money from you than giving you a proper treatment. Whatever the diseases is, they will never give up even if the situation is out of their control. They will never refer the patient to other cities. These private hospitals has been visited by the proffesor of Assam medical college( AMC) by neglecting the patient admitted in AMC. My sincere request to all of you that never get yourself admitted in Dibrugarh private hospitals.
Later when a patient visits Appolo hospital in Chennai with all his treatment history, Doctors of Appolo hospital laughed on seeing the prescription and the kind of tratment that dibrugarh hospitals provide. For a simple disease, Dibrugarh private hospitals will make it big and extract money as long as you visit them.