Its a darker Bond movie than most!
I went to a theatre after ages courtesy a brat at home -
and was dying to enjoy the experience. Enjoy it I did
(except for the increases tkt prices which was a bit of a
shocker - DVD rentals really work out!) But not so much of
a 007 experience as it was just another decent flick.
No way Ill call it unbearable - Ive been a Remington
Steele fan and love the element of snootiness/humour Brosnan
brings into the role with so much ease. The action was
decent (after Matrix very little has seemed great) and the
editing was fine (not upto Oceans 11 standards) - but
the title track was real shady - gimme Golden Eye any day
Alas - age has caught up with Brosnan and it shows
the dialogue was really crappy. Innuendo is supposed to
have a double meaning - it was mostly direct below the
belt stuff...
- The car chase was below par camerawork - rber the mountain
roads chase in Tomorrow Never Dies - that was beautiful.
The BMW (bike) chased by a chopper was even better, and
007 in a runaway battletank was too good...
- The whole torture episode was puerile but luckily didnt
go on and on.
- the villains were not suave enough - Bond needs better
enemies - though Graves was good in parts.
- The plot was a little stretched. Im not talking about
its plausibility - 007 stories never are - but too many
things were never developed and/or explained even
superficially. Editing again couldve been better.
- The entire movie except the Cuban portion was not too
well shot and felt a little dark.
- M was just doing the job cause she was paid for it.
But a decent one time see. The Aston Martin was amazing.
There wasnt enough amazing gadgetry - and the womanizing
was a little like made-to-happen by the director. Halle
Berry was good in a limited role (007 did all the thinking).
The timing of the release couldnt have been better with the
N Korea issue all over TV :)