After going through Ms.Panalis review on the Diet coke, I strongly feel that this fun drink is not contributing anything to the gulping poor except the occassional exhausting of carbon dioxide with pungent instantaneous feel to the nose.For this feel, can we afford to draw in bulk the undergrond water?
Once it is very possible to produce tonic beverages that suppliment in the direction of health to human, why this aerated menace just to give a virtual boost with damages all round?
I sincerly wish the R&D of the cokewala to severe their brain to fetch the returns decently - a sigh of relief to all involved and imbibed.Let us clear the jam and drive to health and healthy practises!
I recommend any chemist/dietician/pharmacist/food technologist or the like to evaluate the product to ensure the use of it to the indian public amidst the food habits that we nursed since lng