Diet coke was all I use to drink! I drunk bottles of it I thought it was great it was low in calories so it would not put the pounds on lol, its a great drink not to sweet tasting like the normal coke it comes in cans and 3 different sized bottles, coke is a well known company so lots of people drink it but I found that because I drunk a lot of it I got addicted to it, which was because of the caffeine I got to the point were I could not sleep because I felt so awake, and became very moody I never realised that you could get addicted to it ! I know it sounds weird but I know I am not the only one that this has happened to so if you do drink it dont drink it too much. They have also brought out a caffeine free diet coke now which is great for me as I really like diet coke so there will be no more staying a wake at night for me now there is a caffeine free one lol