Diet coke for every healthy Bloke
On that day, this bad news hit me
My sugar level was high and a doctor wanted to see me
I entered his chamber, mind filled with all kind of fear
Was paranoid since I loved my food and loved my beer
My anxiety was right, as doctor was brutal
I was told to control left, right and center
With heavy heart and confused mind
I sat down to discuss the food of my kind
Every thing I loved was wrong and everything I hated was right
Real FOOD and DRINK was abstained from my diet
Exercise was recommended with low calorie diet
And I was asked to hold my urges back, real tight
I started my journey, which was now an uphill task
Cursing my fate what worse cud I have asked
Promising myself to break this deadlock
I constructed a regime, which was cruel block by block.
Green was all I ate
White was all I drank
Exercise gave me a new high
And suddenly, I was aiming the sky
Weight went down
Sugar levels went low
was knocking those calories out
Blow by blow
Now I am a new man ,
A man possessed
Advocating healthy living
Junk foods be damned
So my dear friends
Eat light, and drink right
Green food, diet coke
Short walk before good night