Dieting requires burning desire and I realized that after seeing my friend who become so fit over a course of time. My friend whom I am observing since 9th standard was very obese and he is now quite fit now in 1st year and here are some tips behalf of him to help out,
Dieting is not something which will give you instant effect on the second day and staying away from such so called products which do fake promises of killing weight in some days and some weeks is must. These products are money wasting and cause resentment and you might loose patience.
Well, here are some tips on choosing correct food which my friend actually followed after 10th strictly,
Stay away from sugar and it is not that hard because of chemistry which is producing every year artificial sugar which are gem and miracle. Artificial sugars have same taste as sugar and they have no nutritional value to affect your diet. Carbohydrate rich rice could be painful to avoid but reducing its intake should help you a lot. Following food are your diet if you are able to say no to above mentioned main obstacles in diet and congratulations you are halfway to your journey,
green veggies,
whole eggs,
boiled potatoes,
some nutrient grains,
taking some artificial protein is ok
Hopefully these tips could help and desire is must as said before.