Dan Brown wrote the Digital Fortress in 1998. This was his second book. It was issued by Massmarket Paperback.
I have the paperback book, that has 512 pages. ISBN# 0312263120.
I bought it at a used book store for $2.00 CAD
.:The Plot:.
The book begins when the NSAs code-breaking machines, (TRANSLTR), cant decrypt a code.
Susan Fletcher is the NSAs top cryptographer. Tankado, (the director), ask her to try and break the code.
What she discovers is scary. The United States is being held hostage.
.:What I Thought:.
Ive read all of Dan Browns books, and I found the plot a little weak.
I wish there was more about Trevor Strathore, (the cryptoloy mananager), and Dave Decker, (NSAs linguist), they seemed like such interesting characters.
The focus on Susan Fletcher was a stereotype as a beautiful women. The truth was that she was an intelligent mathematician.
She was 38 years old and had an IQ of 170, and this is how she acted:
Susan stared in amazement. (pg 44)
Susans jaw dropped.
Susan was flabbergasted.
Susan almost fell out of her chair, and said, What? (pg 47)
Although there were a lot of twists and turns, during the chapters, I didnt find myself challenged at all.
The story follows several different characters at once in their endeavor to crack a seemingly unbreakable code. Many of these characters seem, at first, to be unrelated; but Brown gradually ties all the narratives together, and shows how the different events mesh together.
I guess it depends on why you read this book. If you read it to escape, then youll love it.
If you read to be confused on the codes and conspiracies theories, until the end of the book, you will be a little disappointed in it.
.:My Thoughts:.:
It is good enough to read if you borrow it from a library or by it at a second hand book store.
Thank you so much for reading my review.