I worked in Digital Harbor for around 4 years so I thought of sharing my experiences in DH with the people outside as well as inside DH.
Any thing cant be either 100% bad or 100% good. I will discuss both bad and good things about the company.
Disclaimer: All these opinions are personal and are not intended to hurt anyone.
Let me start with bad things first.
1) The most irritating thing in DH is its accounts department.People really struggle to get their salaries on time. Most of the times it happens when someone has to get the variable component along with the salary.People had started living with it I think.
2) Though company claims that they are flexible in timings(and they were till sometime back), but not now.This attitude has seriously dented the work culture of company where now people just want to complete their 9 hours and leave.This used to be USP of the company as I personally have spent less than 4 hours in a day many a times and at the same time have spent more than 12 hours a day many a times.No questions asked anytime, but it is not same anymore. It can be because the strength of the company has increased or people from diverse background are joining, but whatever reason it is, flexibility is not valid anymore.
3) No doubt the case management application is good, but the planning and execution part of it is very bad. There are very frequent additions and deletions of features from the product which is bad for any software. Though they are done for the betterment of the product but people should understand that even adding or deleting from a text file will bring errors let alone a big software. Changes in a software like monsoon which is conducive for bugs(Dont know how much apt this analogy is).
4) The work except for some platform features is not at all challenging. I would not say challenging as it is a multidimensional word. I would rather prefer it saying not very much technologically oriented.
Be it QA, be it applications or be it some parts of platform.
5) Rumormongers- A new breed has come up in DH from sometime whose job is to spread some baseless rumors about other people and company.They are still faceless and no one knows their coordinates.
Enough of bad things, now lets jump to good things
1)Lot of independence in execution of work. A very rare thing which is difficult to find anywhere.
2)People are always open for suggestions.(Only if they are practical).
3) Accessibility to everyone from top to bottom anytime.
4)No one cribs about number of leaves one is taking and at what time. I have personally taken leaves at very crucial junctures and again no questions asked.
5)Mr.Raghunath- Lot of venom is spitted against him in this forum.Personally I feel he is a nice joe and fun to hang with though sometimes he overdo things to prove his effectiveness. Also, he is overloaded.
6)Work in platfrom team- The platform team is very well managed and I would like to make special mention of KM for this culture in platform. He is a no nonsense guy who believes in delivery and execution rather than in false adulation from juniors which in fact is a trait of many managers in industry. One of the best people I have met in Software industry.
7) Anuraag- A very efficient person. I am restraining my self to call him Product manager because he is many in one. Product Manager cum Project Manager cum Delivery Manager cum Customer interface cum Application designer cum Software developer. A person having no fence around him and Any Time Approachable for any problem.
8) Bolivia team- Very technically competent team.
9) Office location- Paradise for male species.
Its not a very detailed review as 4 years cannot be penned in a small article.
All the good and bad suggestions are welcome.