Mirror, mirror on the wall… and the answer is this website. Lot many websites are available on the net but this stands apart.
In wallpapers - day scenery, night scenery, figures, planetarium, 3D wallpapers, .avi movies, .mpg files, startup screens everything available.
Unlike other websites where photos of celebrities, landscapes are given as wallpapers this site shows good sense of composition, good colorscheme. Subject and treatment given to each photograph is fantastic. Every photo speaks for itself. Titles given to the pictures are beautiful.
Hows to use tips are given in simple language. Links are provided for wallpaper sites. Link to the graphics freebies site is excellent. Tutorials for Bryce 3D and Lightwave are available. There are almost 400 3D wallpapers available and in different resolution to scale almost any desktop.
All the softwares that are used to design these papers are given in ‘my tools’ section. As per author everything you see on this site was self-taught. Nice efforts. If the content of the site is considered, the loading time is very good. Easy to navigate, only minus thing is the design of the site, which is not that creative compared to the content.
So, if you are looking for something different on your desktop you must visit this site.