Dil hai tumhara is an welcome change as unlike the usual trend of movies it gives prime importance to human emotions and relationships.
It has heart touching performances from Preity-Rekha-Mahima.
The music is melodious.The film is interesting and keeps
us involved through out from beginning to end.
Be it Preitys excellent performance as a daughter craving for her mothers love and affection, Rekhas superb portrayal in the role of a mother, Mahimas sweet portrayal as a doting sister caught between the love for her mother and sister, Arjuns enchanting good looks , Jimmys sensitive portrayal of a silent lover the film has it all.
Its great direction by Kundan Shah , great tory, dialogues, comedy, songs, acting.What more can one ask for?Keep up the good work Mr.Kundan Shah and we need more such good films from you.
Whether the film is a hit commercially or not is yet to be seen but its a sure hit in capturing our hearts.
After watching the movie all we can say to the great team work is DIL HAI TUMHARA