Dil mil gaye is a new generation story its loved by all teens n people who are funloving....n arent outdated .Its a story in which ARMAAN n RIDHIMA play the main lead n their friends/mates are all time supportive, ......armaan just seemz 2 rock n rock n rock, ..hez a person who has a very cool n happening kind of attitude....hes really good lookin n is the actual charm in the serial.
I jus love anjali 4 her sophesticated n charming attitude she really is one of the highlights in the serial...atul is just one of rhe cutest n simple guyz in the story...n can do any damn thing for anjali..dr.Sapna, she plays a role of a very simple n innocent girl..whos adored by all her mates. Then comes the impressive , hardworking n generous Dr.Kirti....For her work comes 1st n then does everything else, Dr.shubhankar is one of the goodlooking n sweet head doctor , ....who loves to help people.
SO THE FINAL MESSAGE IS WATCH DIL MIL GAYE MON-THUR 8.30PM ON STAR ONE.....ull soon get addicted n wont be able 2 skip even 1 episode.Armaans charm will kill u n so will anjalis style