The action( in the flashbacks) jostles with the comedy in the hall of shame.The cars blowing up the guns going rat-a-tat are all stuff weve seen in Rohit Shettys earlier films.
So whats new!
There are some sweet romantic moments in flashbacks when Shah Rukh turns young( he wears sneakers to prove it, while courting Kajol) . But soon after the narrative falls apart completely . There is this whole on-going gag in the second-half where Varuns character believes his brother Shah Rukh was namedRamlal in the past and Kajol was calledPogo. The conception, execution and elaboration of the Ramlal-Pogo joke takes up a majority of the second-half.
Really, Shetty & Team are a busy bunch.
And we are the eternal dimwits sitting in the dark taking in the fast and furious flow of fatuousness.
Speaking of fast and furious, some scholar some day must find out about Rohit Shettys obsession with automobiles. They are there everywhere in this film, speeding, somersaulting and exploding.Otherwise just standing around looking bored. Someone should also find out why Shettys narrative always run off to Goa and why homes there are always shown to have fresh coats of paint preferably in navy-blue.