The pot-bellied grotesque politician from Rajasthan used to be the face of politics in India at a time when the Chautalas were doing theirghotalas. With a new crop of smarter netas, hopefully less susceptible to corruption, the era of thebad politician seems blessedly behind is a particularly unaesthetic lovemaking sequence done in deliberately bad light which cant hide Puris flab and Sherawats disinterest. Can a film about a horny politician and a wily item girl be made without the two looking interested in each other? is hard to say which is a funnier sight.
Mallika Sherawat trying to act in a sari. Or Mallika Sherawat trying to act coy while Om Puri takes off her sari. Either way she cuts asari figure trying to do what she was never cut out to do - act. is hard to say which is a funnier sight. Mallika Sherawat trying to act in a sari. Or Mallika Sherawat trying to act coy while Om Puri takes off her sari. Either way she cuts asari figure trying to do what she was never cut out to do - act.finally its a worst movie in bollywood.