When I recall reading this book the first thing that comes to my mind is the lengthy love making scene that takes place. I got this book by coincidence, I was looking for a Michael Crichton book after having read Jurassic park, lost world and the rising sun..
I passed a book stall on the street on my way to a movie at south ex. The topic of Disclosure caught my fancy and I knew that this had to be the next book that I read by Michael. Sexual dynamite, it said on the back of the book, this cant be boring, I thought to myself and hoped that that was not all there was to this book and that thered be a lot of substance in it. was I proven right?
Well after finishing the book it keeps you thinking about the biases that are in-built in every person by society about genders. When you think women, words like delicate, fragile, sensitive, seductive?? pop into your head immediately. When you think man, words like aggressive, uncontrolled, insensitive and maybe horny pop into your head. So are these stereotypes about men and women true, the obvious answer is yes, most of the time they are. There are obviously exceptions and this book deals with an exception, an unusual case, which is what makes this book an interesting read.
I found that the main character Tom, is very believable and realistic. One of the good things about the novel is that its not all goody goody where everyone is an idealistic character, and good and bad are clearly defined. Tom, the hero, has shortcomings, but hes trying to be a good person just like normal people, and he does make many mistakes. Im sure every guy out there has been seduced by women every now and then, just for little things, like walking them to the school canteen, or buying them something to eat, and this is why people can relate to this novel.
The story goes something like this After an incident Meredith Johnson accuses Tom of having sexually harassed her. The fact that Meredith is young and is amazingly beautiful and that Tom is near forty years of age doesn?t help Toms case. One day Tom is respected, has a wife and kids and a nice secure job and the next day he finds everything that matters in his life falling to pieces before he?s eyes. He is in an amazingly tricky situation and one wrong move could mean the end of his career and marriage. Everyone at his workplace losses respect for him and he losses his dignity, some refer to him as a pig.
Now the part about the love making. Its awesome. Michael Crichton gives a vivid and detailed picture of what happens, while not making it vulgar but beautiful. The setting that the love scene takes place is perfect. The tension, the thoughts which go through Toms mind in those moments are clearly described which keeps the reader on edge while Tom makes up his mind if he should have sex with Meredith or not. I wont disclose too much information about the plot as I want you people to enjoy the book.
One of the morals of this story is that you should keep control over yourself and not give in to too many temptations, because you will benefit in the end. Some advice for all the young guys out there, dont be so easy, next time a chick puts her hand around your arm and asks you to get a chocolate for her, say no.