After reading many good reviews about on I decided to purchase the Canon Powershot SX 40 HS digital camera from them. I have visited this website today morning and saw this Camera Model is listed on website with the information "Dispatched in 3 days"([Screen shot also attached] . Just as a precaution and previous bad experiences of online shopping, I have asked about the availability status and delivery time of this camera to their online support team. They asked me to wait for some time and also the pin code of my city so I had sent them the pin code. Their customer support team told me that " We will deliver it to your location" . Here is the copy of Online Support Transcript(Between me and their customer support team)
Start Time: 07/16/2012 11:52:47
End Time: 07/16/2012 12:06:48
Operators: Prince
Please wait for a site operator to respond.
If you do not want to wait, please click here to leave us a message.
Operator Prince has joined the chat.
Prince: hi.
Me: Hi
Prince: How may I assist you?
Me: Is Canon Powershot SX40HS Digital Camera is available
Prince: just a min.
Me: If yes then In how many days you can deliver it to Indore(MP)?
Prince: pls tell me your pincode
Me: 452016
Me: Indore GPO - 452001
Prince: just a min.
Prince: sir we can delivery to you place
Prince: currently we dont have SX40Hs in stock
Prince: we have SX260
Prince: and SX240
Me: so why you have mentioned it(SX 40 HS) as in Stock on your website and wasting time of customers
Prince: sorry sir
Prince: the thing is we check out in you warehose
The visitor has left the chat.
The chat is ended.
From above chat transcript one can also see the standard of their customer support team. One can easily understand that If I would place the order without asking about the Camera availability(on trusting their listing) my money could easily blocked by them for the days.