The Discovery Channel should have a default button on my remote control! No matter what I am watching, my boyfriend walks in and switches to TDC.
It is offered here in Florida as a cable only station, out of Bethesda, Maryland, on cable channel 26.
Discovery offers a very diverse variety of programming. All educational
You can turn it on and learn about the mysteries of the Egyptian pyramids or casino gambling. There have been programs on about the ice age and rockets to the moon. You can learn about the history of the railroads and undersea exploration. There have been stories about gangsters and saints. Tonight they are showing modern medical mysteries and later on a show about American justice files and finally ending the evening with a look at UFOs.
There isnt a subject they havent gone into to help you discover all there is to know about it.
Each show is narrated by someone who gives you an in depth view of whatever the subject matter may be.
The Discovery Channel also has a corresponding website where you can read about each show theve had on, and about all the upcoming shows as well.
Dont get me wrong, I dont mind when my boyfriend changes the channel while Im watching TV.(Im usually on the food channel, watching old movies, or surfing the channels) As long as he puts on Discovery, its ok with me.
I would highly recommend this channel for viewing by all. Children and adults.