Well. I am going to share my channel tagger dish tv. I m using still now.
So guys dish tv a dish connection for all on television that why we watch serial movies cartoons etc. I enjoy at empty time and specially on weekend . All women who is house wife the only sources of intertainment is television in this case without dish tv we cant see. Ecery time we feel entertained due to television. Lots of memwber waste their time on telwvision.So I am connected with a cable operator dish tv. Not airtel and all that which is provided based on channel choosing. I have darsh th.
Picture quality.: - picture quality of its connecter is very poor and even always its channel closed for long time and some times its connection is too bad for some channel didnt want to use but we cant live without watching tv.whenever you want to connect with its dish tv then I will not suggest you for set this dish tv.
Service and support.: - well service is sometimes good but some time very bad . They not cime when you call them at once when you will go there office for clearenss of your channel and set another dish tv then they insure you to worker and staffs will clear your work soon.in this case you have two option to do that first is cut connection and second is go with insurity to done well.not muchh better than others so I will not recommend for al users.
Sound quality.: + the sound quality is average not enough and eco friendly also the look of dish tv is fully black and fully plastic body it cable antinna is not simply adjustable at first time you call operater who confirmed for its antina. When you adjustable place where you set its cable then youbshould wait for 2 days.so not doig service also sound quality as its perfection in comparision to another dish tv cable.
Value of money: - if you talking about its falue fir money then not satisfying as usual of the moderndays an average remarkable of the fact where its price charge for a month that all in now a days it is increasiing their price as channel connect and pacakage rule for per home charges .