Soon I will fall in love with one of customer care girl in dishtv, due to number of times I have to call them. Very frequently I used to get non availability of signal, if a crow passes near by dish. Customer care also cares like disconnecting the calls in between the call, if they are unable to answer the queries.
You will have to call the local executive each and every time if dish alignment goes, which costs u minimum of 300rs. they are prompt in deactivating if there is a fault in payment. But, after you make the payment to get it active, hmmm.. it will take long time.... DONT EVER EVER DO THE MISTAKE OF BUYING DISH TV.
PLEASE DONT BUY DISHTV. ITS VERY VERY COSTLY NOT ALONE WITH INITIAL INVESTMENT BUT ALSO WITH MAINTENANCE.. I dont know much about tata sky. But defenitely Dish TV is very bad. Dont make the mistake of fighting with local cable operator, which I did.. :)