I subscribed for Dish TV for my daughter and our family friend. As per the call centre instructions I issued two cheques in favour of M/s ASC Enterprises Limited and put them in the drop box on 13th December 2006 for subscrition renewal. My account is debited for both cheques. From that day till date my paid channels are not working.....called the Dish TV call centre.......only assurances that it will start within 24 hours.
Viewing Card details are 01501637768 - Vishakha Rao/01501637777 - Rajesh Namjoshi. Is there a way by which my complaint can be heard by some seniors in Dish TV? How can a reputed companylike DISH TV take their customers for a ride? I have paid money for six months subscription....can I take help from consumer court? Will I get refund for the non viewing period I lost? How do I ensure that similar are faced by me in future?Help!!!!