DONT GO FOR A DISH TV connection
There is no such thing as customer care.
No numbers work! They seem to rely on SMS 7575
The email approach is pathetic to say the least because you will get noreply.
You are at the mercy of the distribution guy who sold the dish to you!
So if you’re feeling lucky and have 3.5K and hell of a lot of time on yourhands to gamble go for it!
The worst is that there is absolutely no one to complain to except perhapsSoniaji
I should have read the comments here before I attempted my blunder
don’t say you were not warned!
The guy also has not given me a bill as all transaction wasdone at home (DTH taken seriously). I cut 300 from the amount but he hasn’tbothered to give me the bill as yet. After 10 days the card was finallyactivated (the web site accepted my registration ... but no confirmation email)Now we get an option between some channels or the other. Each time the guycomes and fiddles with the antenna and a new set is seen and another set ofchannels disappear.
If only I could get S Chandra email ID!