I am trying to renew my dishtv (zee) connection. I am explaining
the problem I had faced with their site /their customer care.and leave
the matter to you
My subs is to end this april 21st.
Their channel dish interactive says you can renew by credit card payment.
I had registered on their site one year back.
As of now their site offers (supposedly) or ATLEAST list
-> renew subscriptions
-> migrate from one plan to another
On 15th April I clicked migrate to .... plan .... and next screen says
pay 992. I paid through cre.card. The next screen says the transaction
is failed and gave some ref.no. my cre.card people say the amount is
I try to interact with the customer care people.
The less said the better.
Rude is a milder word. You will get an impression that you have committed
a great sin.
they will ask you why did you want to migrate? why did you press the button?
and blah blah. but they simply refuse to accept that money is paid. they will
tell you talk to your credit card people and tell them to refund.
ok so far so bad.
more to follow.
today (19th april 06) I thought let me renew my subscription at least for one
month since by that time this problem will be solved. (hope hope bloody hope)
so chose renewal page and clicked renew freedom offer and opted
for monthly option. again money 74/- is debited but as usual the next webpage
says trasaction failed.
now hear the height of the story.
i try to speak to their customer care.
some body talks to me and says he will connect to his supervisor.
for the next 15 minutes I am only hearing the music.
but no supervisoer. and the previous fellow did not even have courtesy to check
whether you are connected or not. His headache is transferred.
It is simple.
So my feelilng is these guys is still at very primitive level in taking care of customers.
So my suggestion is dont experiment with the site. you will end up
having tension.
I only wonder that in India where we have millions of software professionals
who is that guy who has designed such a DRY and bad pages which always
results in transactions failed. Why the check can not be done before various options are presented to you, the subscriber. that too without any explanatory
note (what each option means)
but only thought let me share my experience with you guys.
my hell is going to start. let me see when does this end. I will definetely update.
BTW pray god for me. I need his BLESSINGS.