Update: I spoke with the Chief Operating Officer of DishTV, Salil Kapoor and he assured me that he will look into the issue. Let us see what happens.
I moved back from the US couple of months ago and purchased Dishtv Indias TruHD package after considering the channel options available. Set up was relatively painless and everything seemed to work till two weeks ago.
Since then it has been an exercise in frustration dealing with DishTVs customer service representative and the contracted "technicians" that DishTV uses to make house call(who have no professionalism whatsoever. The particular contractors used in my case are A.V. Solutions in Bangalore). For two weeks, the customer service reps and the technicians have been giving me the run around without trying to find a solution to my issue.
The technicians have come by my house couple of times and went away without fixing the issue. Apparently, the last software update broke something. The workaround was to provide me with a box with VGA output till a time that the software issue was fixed. This was communicated to me last time the technicians were at my place on Sept 6th, 2010 and they assured me that they would get back to me by Sept 8th. No prizes for guessing, but this did not happen.
I called up customer service again today(Sept 13th) and was told that I should hear from the technicians within 2 hours since I am a "premium" customer. I have not heard back from them since then.
This has been going on for 2 weeks without any hope for resolution and I considering ditching the service and go with some other provider.
This is my experience as a "premium" customer. I shudder to think the treatment the normal customers might be getting. It looks like Dishtv is interested in getting new customers and does not care about existing customers.
Another practice that Dishtv seems to be following is to close the complaint ticket within hours of filing the complaint even BEFORE anyone has looked at the issue!
(If anyone has suggestion for any other dish providers who have better customer service, please do let me know).