Dishtv have many strengths - ALL the content that matters in a HUGE bouquet of 160
channels, a host of value added services like Movie on Demand,
Multi Audio Feed options, Radio channels, Parental Lock,
Electronic Programme Guide, Teletext, etc.. that already exist.
Indeed dishtv has proven itself as not just the pioneer of the DTH
technology in India but the harbinger of many innovations and
technological breakthroughs in TV viewing, that seemed nigh
impossible till some time back !!!
ACTIVE SPORT- changing the way u watch sports
dishtv will make sports come alive for its viewers.
The Interactive launch will enable subscribers to watch the
event in a choice of 4 different camera angles, 6 different
language the press of a button. Whats more, for
the first time in broadcast history. the viewer will have the
chance to beckon the channel to "show" what he wants by
commanding highlights like 4s, 6s, outs to run at the press
of a button ! Score cards, player history, statistics to
scroll down on a command ! This feature is avaialable for WORLD CUP also
News Active
News Active - Zee News is all set to go interactive too !!! Apart
from the Live feed of the channel , the dishtv viewer will have 7
more options to choose from - headlines, nation, weather, crime,
lifestyle and so on... Yes, the viewer will be empowered to get his
channel to "show" what he wants rather than seeing what the channel
delivers to everyone !
Gaming on TV - To add to the list of firsts, dishtv launches
gaming on TV. It will be as easy as switching on the TV and
playing with the remote itself ! With a choice of 8 multi -
level games to choose from that will get refreshed each month
English Movie on Demand
English Movie on Demand - for the English movie on demand services that will
provide us movies that have so far never been released on satellite
TV in the country.
You would surely agree that it couldnt get more exciting !
still left : customer care (but they are trying-see comments)
Dont forget to post your comments
UPDATES(march 8, 2007)
comparison b/w dish and tatasky
cheaper cost-dishtv(cheaper than tatasky...abt 1000bucks)
service-of tatasky(acc 2 what I hav heard from others....dishs service
is really bad..but has improved a little in recent past)
quality of popular channels r good in dish also but on few less popular
channels picture quality is not so gud)
channels-dishtv(they provides more channels than tatasky)
movie on demand/showcase-both new movies
active sportz-nice feature on both dish nd sky
active games-games r really old and boring on both tata and dish
remote-dishtv remote(zenega box) is better bcoz it is light and small
set top box-new zenega box of dish r better in looks nd r smaller in size
swapping-in new zenega boxes of dish time taken 2 change channel is
equal 2 as that taken in tataskys digicom but in older boxes of dishtv
channel swapping takes little more time
channel list-channels r arranged in a much better way in dishtv than tatasky
guide-tatasky provides more detailed program guide but dishtv provides
it in provided vertically which is really convenient...moreover u can
watch channel while watching epg in dishtv
information bar-i liked the info bar of dishtv
thtaz my personal view on the basis of my 2yrs experience with dishtv and 2 days experience with tatasky