It seems that Dish TV thinks that customers do notunderstand what true ‘quality’ means. Here are my complaints in brief:
Dish TV DOES NOT provide DVD quality pictures. The reason is that they are using very high MPEG2 compression. Therefore fast moving scenes look blocky. This does not happen with DVDs. The color quality is also questionable. Skin tones look unnatural and some channels like ESPN look over-exposed. (You can’t distinguish the white cricket ball from the pitch)No component or S-video on the set top box.
My recommendations to Dish TV:
First and foremost, improve picture quality. The presentpicture is completely fee from noise which hampers analog cable TV, but itsuffers from aggressive compression artifacts.
If satellite bandwidth is a constraint, use MPEG4compression which offers better quality at low bitrates.
Also use a better decoder box with MPEG4 supportand S-video / component video output.