Think 1000 no. of times before going for DISHTV AMC annual maintenance contract.I had baught DISHtv in 2006. Everything went smooth till Aug 2009. Now probably my
smart card had some problem. So after filing our complaint a technician came. He said it needs just a software upgrade so needs to take the set top box to office.
He asked if I want to go for one time payment of Rs 200 or annual maintainance contract of Rs 400. I said AMC is ok. Then he took the STB to their office and never called back. I had his no so I contacted him on his cell. He said there was some critical problem in the box so a maintainance charge needs to be paid. But he never asked like if I want to go for the repair and I will have to pay the additional money.
Hence the conclusion is not to get involved into AMC as they will keep you charging under this name or that. Also the customer support is worst for Pune. Those who have faced the problem will tell you more.