I am a dish tv user from past three month and I found it to be excellent and I would like to share my experience with it, previously I am having cable connection but I am fed with cable wallas and the problems ther e then I have decided to go for Dth service and I opted Dishtv , as I have an option of buying tatasky too but after comparing tatasky with dishtv I found it more valuable and worhtfor my money that I spend.
With benefits having 170 digital channels, good active services, having movie on demand option for both Hindi and English movies and they are many more reasons to smile and purchase Dish tv..
Now again Dish tv is coming up with its new product "TV on
Computers" and by launching this I think Dishtv has gone far ahead in the race from others.......Just for our reader I giving you the details of this product...as yesterday I have seen a demo of this product and I am really excited to buy this product...its really good its also known as VGA BOX...in this every thing is same as our previous
Dish tv the only difference here is of stb here they give vga box and it is compatible for both TV and Computer that now you can watch tv on computer and also if you want to connect it TV then you can do this as well with this that is this is two in one product.....and you can watch all the channels here as well as it is available in dish tv with all 170 channels here in computer as well........also the major benefits here is .....you can watch tv and you can work on computer with closing down your files as well.
Just with one button, just press that button you will be able to watch tv and by pressing again it will return to your main computer screen.The cost of this product is Rs. 4150 just Rs.1000 more than normal stb.I will just sum up this by saying I think its a unique product and I suppose no other operator is offering this product till know in India.........and its really goood one from Dish tv.