Hi all,
I dont feel like reviewing this DTH service any more....Still to fill up space of 150 words, Im adding my views. Also visit https://mcgun23.blogspot.com/2006/09/dish-tv-future-of-home-entertainment.html
Less than 3 months into subscription, and my "O -Ve" BLOOD IS BOILING @ 400 deg FAHRENHEIGHT...wanna know more, ul have to wait until I get my SET-TOP-BOX from REPAIR.
14 days since the STB crashed after a software upgrade & Ive not got a replacement yet....!
My 14 days of FRUSTRATION
4th Sept - The Zenega STB undergoes a Software upgrade on its own. Users need to just press OK to complete the process. Meand thousand other customers struggle to understand the softwareupgrade. The navigation is pathetic this time, how the hell can theycall this an easier to navigate menu? absolute nonsense!
5th Sept -The Red light in the STB stops glowing, first I thought its a powerproblem in the power socket, but later realise its a STB problem. Callup dealer to get DishTVs Service Number.
6th Sept - Gave it to their only service centre in T. Nagar, Chennai. The guy there says the STB has crashed bcoz of a Motherboard/Softwareproblem, needs to be sent to Noida and will take two days to get areplacement. Sensing something fishy, I ask him for a standbyreplacement, but he says he doesnt have one right now. I take thereceipt and walk back dejected.
8th Sept - Call the service guy to find out if the box is ready, he first says the box has gone to Bangalore and he has got no feedback from them. I wonder why suddenly Noida 2 Bangalore.
9th Sept - "Ditto"....same reply. But, this time he says itll take a week atleast till Wednesdayas he is waiting for an authorisation mail from the Noida office. Imfrustrated, ask him for a spare box that I can get for the timebeing.He says "nope".
13th Sept (Exactlya week over) - Only I seem to be calling them up, they never bother toupdate the customer on the status of the problem. Same reply from theservice guy, hez still waiting for authorisation. I get pissed off andask him how much time it takes 2 get an authorisation for areplacement.....No answer, he keeps mum. By this time, I could havegone to Noida and got the replacement myself. I trace the Chennai zonalmanagers number and even he is helpless until the authorisation comesfrom Noida, but he said he would try his best. I even call up the Noidaoffice, but its always engaged.
14th & 15th Sept - I keep calling the service centre, wasting my phone bills, but getthe same reply - "Still not got the authorisation mail, sir".16th Sept- I finally decide its enough and call up the zonal manager in themorning. He says the box is ready, and I can collect it rightaway. Imover the moon, delighted :)So, I call bac the Service centre. To my delight, he finally says hehas received the authorisation mail to dispatch the box.....but thensuddenly he destroys my 2-minute joy by saying he doesnt have a box. But he assures me on Monday (18th Sept)morning, I can collect the box. Im so mighty pissed off, that I donthave the strength to even shout bac, and its not worth it.
18th Sept - Waiting for a miracle to happen on a dry Monday morning. Icall him to find out if I can collect the box. He throws another atombomb by saying the box has to get activated and will take 2 days. Thistime I lost my patience and got wild. He tries to justify by saying thebox has to get activated with the VC card provided along with that box.But, I counter-attack by asking him why cant I take the STB andactivate it myself with the VC card that I have @ home. He says thatsimpossible......I fight for over 10 mins & finally give up, havelost complete faith, patience, time, money in the pathetic service theyprovide.
20th Sept - still waiting................
Now, I have no other option other than 2 wait till Wednesday (thats 16 days). This is worse than loosing my job or waiting in Q to pay the electricity bill.