I had registered a complaint on Tuesday, 16 November 2010 around 1256 hrs as I could not view all the Channels on my Dish TV. I got a Complaint Number 49124496.
I got a call from the Technician around 1356 hrs, as I was not able to pick the call I received an SMS, stating the inability to contact me and gave me a my Complaint Number and the Phone Number where I can get in touch with him. The Technicians Phone Number is+919393896098. I called back on the Number provided at 1359 hrs and the Technician did not respond, which is understandable as he could be indisposed. I again call back at 1432 hrs and talk to the Tech, who says that since he is near Manikonda, he would not be able to come today and I was supposed to call him the next day and see if he was going to come for aligning the Dish properly. Unfortunately I agreed to that.
To my utter surprise and disbelief I get a SMS at 1654 hrs from Dish TV stating that my complaint has been resolved and if I had any other issues contact the Contact Center and gave me my Complaint Number. I called the Contact Center and reactivated the Complaint around 1659 hrs. I was piqued to see another SMS at 1817 hrs stating that my complaint had been resolved. I called my friend who stays with me asking if the Tech did visit our place, to which he said no.
I am really surprised as to how do the Techs without completing the work go ahead and close the complaints. This too when I am paying to get the problem fixed. I do understand that is a major revenue stream, and is a good one to run the Contact Centers that is operational.
I call the Technician at 1004 hrs on Wednesday, 17 November 2010 and he said that he would be here in about an hour to hour and a half. I get a call at 1046 hrs from the Tech stating that it is raining in Kukatpally where he currently is and would take some time to come over. At 1133 hrs I again call the Technician, but did not receive any response from him.
I call the Contact Center at 1136 hrs on Wednesday, 17 November 2010 and reactivate my compalint. Guess what . bingo anothe SMS from Dish TV stating my Complaint has been resolved at 1248 hrs. So again I call the Contact Center where I speak to a Mr. Kumar who was courtious enough to hear me out, but as usual gave a lame excuse that the Mnager is in a meeting, the ususl line which is fed to the employees. I was promised a call back by 1455 hrs.
I get a SMS from Dish TV at 1442 hrs stating that according to the appointment I have fixed, wherein I never received a call from anyone, a Technician is supposed to visit my place on Thursday, 18 November 2010 at 1830 hrs. When I had mentioned during the Complaint registration that the Tech can only visit between 1000 to 1700 hrs. I called back to the call center at 1503 hrs and my call was answered by Mr Ajay who went ahead and rescheduled the appointment. When asked about the Manager calling back, no guesses for the answer: "My Manager is still in a Meeting". I was given a Name of Puneeta Mary as the Operations Manager for the Contact Center. Still awaiting the call back . Which I can gurantee will never come.