“Dish TV laya hai recharge freeeee!!! Thoda aur wish karo….dish karo….Your call is important to us…please hold….out customer service representative will be with you shortly….”
Sounds familiar? Yes. This is what you hear when you call DISH customer service. This goes on into an indefinite loop until you can take it no more and hang up.
Not sure why they call it customer service…its should be customer disserviceThe toll free numbers are impossible to get through….you will be on hold for hours…a sheer waste of time…
The number 1-860-180-3474 is chargeable…and here too you are kept on hold for average 15 – 30 minutes….After great difficulty…even if are able to get through…you receive a standard reply…”Your complaint has been forwarded to the relevant department…”
Every time you are asked to wait for 2 hours…that’s ridiculous….Their entire approach is so callous and insensitive…I suppose, DISH TV has taken the customers for granted….given the HIGH cost of switching over to another Service Provider.
However, this will turn out to be the Achilles heel for DISH TV which will see their downfall.
DISH has greatly underestimated the collective power of consumers. Let’s vent out our anger and frustration by bringing down DISH, harnessing the power of web2.0 and word-of-mouth publicity.
I urge to all those who have suffered DISH to come up strongly and create an awareness. Please spread the word about the pathetic service provided by DISH.