Poor Start
After a poor start, DishnetDSL have improved their services now. I did suffer from delayed installation (Due to problem with local cable people). My connection was started after 45 days from date when I applied. And in the beginning I did suffer from 15% of downtime (when they were dependent on VSNL, but now it is excellent).
New Gateway and independent of VSNL
After August, their service did improve, pretty fast customer care and reliable service and proper speed. It definately helped me a lot for my business to stay online all time and have high speed connectivity.
Speedh Myth
Sometimes user thinks if hotmails page doesnt get loaded faster ISPs speed is slow, but its wrong, ISP is not responsible if the end server you are trying to reach itself is slow. I have tested DishnetDSLs gateways from my other servers, it always give me 64KB/S connection.
Return Of Investment
I used to waste almost 7-8 thousands per month for my business usage of internet, but after I got DishnetDSL, I got my Return Of Investment in 6 months, now I pay only 2 thousand per month for 24 hours high speed connection.
Costly for home usage
Their cost is a bit high for middle class people for home usage, but they are best for business purpose, compared to Cable Net, dishnet gives dynamic ip address, and that helps me out to test our business applications and modify business applications to suit our requirements.
Other ISPs etc block certain ports and does not allow greater file transfer on any other ports except HTTP, (VSNL does this, you cant transfer more then 1mb file through MSN on VSNL connection). Where else dishnet gives you complete freedom and this helps me in transfering 10 mbs of files over MSN and other programs. And in cable it is not possible to do file transfer and voice chat.
Recommended best for Commercial Use
I recommend dishnet as good and reliable internet service provider for business application, if they reduece their prices in near future, it will be affordable by middle class even. But ofcourse their DSL installation does cost them also very high.
-Akash Kava