Hi this is Rajesh from Bangalore.I am a bit surprised to see people out here gunning for Dishnet DSL, maybe they have had bad experiences, but I have been using the Dishnet DSL connection since September 2001 and very honestly found the connectivity really good so far. As far as the speeds are concerned there are fluctuations, but never found the speed dismal except for a minimal few occasions, maybe 2-3 occasions ( show me which ISP provides a consistent speed throughout, I have found none so far) though I havent got the promised 64Kbps speed, what I get is much less than 64Kbps.
As this connection which is a 64kbps connection is used in a Cyber Cafe, the surfers do find the speed and connectivity satisfactory and have no grouses so far.
Having used almost all the available options ranging from Dialup to Cable, I find Dishnet DSL, the best available option.
The tariffs and investment are a little high, but with the present kind of connectivity and speeds, it doesnt burn a hole in your pocket. The plan subscribed my me ie., the easy plan from Dishnet DSL incurs an initial investment of Rs 30000.00 and a monthly tariff of Rs 995.00 (1 GB of data transfer given free) and if the data transfer exceeds more than 1 GB/month, the rates are Rs 200/100MB. I feel it is a little on the higher side but surely economical when compared to other available options, my experience is saying this as I have used most available options. I may be wrong.
But if the rates are brought down a little, it shall be both economical and good option.
The only complaint I have about this is, the access to customer support. In case of any query or complaint, it is very difficult to get the lines of the customer care department, but once you are able to contact them, your query and complaints are both taken care of well.