We had a dishnet DSL cable connection by paying about Rs.28000 for the cable modem and Rs.20000 for 1 year subscription. The service was pathetic. The system used to be offline about 60% of the time, the speed when connected was slower than a 14.4K modem (dont get taken in by the speeds during a demo., I dont know what they do but it never works the same after you have subscribed), the service call no. is mostly busy, even if you get through they mostly have untrained people who cannot understand your problem and keep harping their system is o.k. (sort of saying that if your connection doesnt work, its your fault) and if they say they will send a person to check, they would actually never send one until 4-5 reminders and only if you used stern language. If I were considering a cable modem, I wouldnt use Dishnet even for free. I even have a cable modem for sale (cheap) if someone wants it.