I am thinking about signing up with DishnetDSL. I have still not decided on it, but from what information I have gathered from them, it seems attractive.
You have to buy a different modem from them and they give a direct connection to your PC without having to connect through a telephone line. The SET-UP COST (modem + wiring etc.) is about Rs. 30, 000. Then they have various monthly plans. I liked the Flexi Plan. Under this plan, just paying the set-up cost of Rs.30000, you get 1 hour per day free, for 5 years. Every additional hour is charged at Rs.24/- per hour. If we calculate the set-up cost of Rs. 30, 000 for 5 years, it comes to Rs. 500/- per month. 1 hr. per day, not having to pay the telephone charges, itself, pays for the set-up cost. Moreover, they claim that with their 64K modem, it takes, only about 8 minutes to download a 10 MB file, which if you try through a dial-up connection using a 56K modem could easily take up to 30 minutes. However there is a 1 GB per limit of total downloads. I am not sure if this relevant because 1 Gb is far more than what you can download, using 1 or even 2 or 3 hours a day.
But this is just what they have explained to me. Going by what they claim, their offer seems attractive. I have not come across anybody using their service, and can inform of the disadvantages. If anyone here has signed-up with them please post a comment...enlighten me.
ADDITION : MAY 18 2001.
Two persons, One Mr. Nehal Mehta and another (dont remember the name) supposedly, the area manager (sales) came to meet me in December 2000. With their sweet talk and a lot of blah...blah...blah about the DSL technology, (the information I wrote above), they got me (rather conned me) to pay an advance of Rs. 1000/-.
They told me that a connection would provided within 4 to 5 weeks, as they still did not have enough number of people wanting to subscribe, in my area. (I did not know that in their terminology 1 week equalled 1 month..) It was only in April 2001, when they finally informed me that it was not possible for them to provide a connection to me. They requested me to fax a simple letter claiming refund of my deposit, which I did.
I have repeatedly FAXed the letter 7 to 8 times since then.
Till date I neither have a DSL connection nor my refund.