Dear Sir
We have been using dishnet DSL Delhi for the last 4 years. There have been more than 500 breakdowns (which the dishnet has acknowledged) in this period, sometimes we have to repeat our complaints 4 to 5 times in a day to get any response from them. They have no system of attending telephone complaints after 5 pm till 10 am the next day, nothing on Sundays and other holidays. It is surprising that the can?t invest a small amount of money to put a recording device to record these complaints during these hours when they are not available, which is more than 126 hours a week.
Complaints sent through emails are not attended most of the time, and auto-response is the only response we get 20% of the time.
In case the complaints are do attended the service is tolerably good only for few hours and then goes back to poor state again, senior staff is rarely available, their telephone contacts or email addresses are not easily provided. No compensation has been offered for even long breakdowns which are increasingly becoming frequent. Links when available give very slow to very very slow speed.