I am using this DSL service for 2 years now. I am very satisfied with the service. In all only 2 major downtimes. One was due to cable cut on my premises only and other was due to problem in DSL modem. Both were rectified in 1 day.
Minor problems if any like locked account is cleared by single telephone call. I have noticed that, this problem occurs when I dont close the connection properly or PC hangs. Speed is really good.
I think they should provide more plans so that user can select one according to there needs. Right now plan I am using is 400MB data transfer for Rd. 975. If I got to next plan, the price jumps to Rd 1800 for 1GB. I think there is space for one more plane between these.
They dont have online payment system. Also after it became VSNL co., they have stopped accepting payment using CC.
In all, Im satisfied with the service.