Rohit Dhawans Dishoom is without Dishoom Dishooom. What you expect from trailor you will not get in the movie. The film revolves around Viraj Sharma(Virat kohali+ Rohit Sharma) who was kidnapped before high profile india pakistan match. The indian special task force guy Kabeer(John) appointed to find the viraj. The movie is well shot in the deserts of middle east. It is a game of cat and mouse between John+varun and Bad Guy Akshay Khanna who kidnapped viraj.
Their is nothing new in this flick. The action is average for the surprise there is no fight sequence between bad guy akshay and john.
Thank god their are no unwanted songs to spoil the mood of the movie. The couple of songs music is pleasant but not to listen again and again.
JOhn performance is as usual raw look without acting. Varun gave good performance.
Watch it for one time