I delivered a baby this year 2015 at divakars. When I started consulting there, I found it very confusing. Though I would book an appointment for Dr. Divakar specifically, her juniors would consult me. I had to then remind them after 2-3 times that I wanted to meet Dr.Divakar because I came for her to this doctor. Dr. Hema tried to push you as much as possible to her juniors. I have seen my share of super busy doctors but this was the first time I met a doctor who tries to handle you through her assistants. There will be plenty of nurses also in the consultation room. Totally unnecessary. They should be more on the labour floors whrte they can be useful in tending to patients. I will explain more in detail further in this review. The charge is 600 for a consultation and most of the time its with a junior/ assistant doctor. She has two junior doctors. Each time during consultation any of the junior will meet you and then if you request Dr. Hema also. Its very uncomfortable because you feel lost among the 3 doctors when in reality you came for Dr. Hema there. Its confusing the way she works. The assistant doctors are friendly and approachable during the entire term but not Dr. Hema. You cannot reach her even in an emergency or in your end stage of pregnancy. She is super friendly and gives the vibe of approach but thats that. She is non accessible. Wont share her number either. You have to get through her juniors only. I had an emergency during my 9th month where I could not feel the childs movement. I had to contact her junior even then and Dr. Hema didnt even have a follow up with me after that. I should have realised at least than what was to follow.
Though the assistant doctors are friendly and helpful, they are not as skilled as Dr. Hema Divakar. I would not suggest you trust yourself or your baby during a difficult delivery with the assistant doctors.
They are not so sympathetic towards your pain either. Many junior doctors do not understand the normal delivery contraction pains unless they have been through it, even if its a woman gynaecologist. I had to hear comments like " I heard there was so much drama in the labour room yesterday " the next day of my delivery by one of her assistant doctors. I had screamed out in pain and my family was shivering with fear outside OT and here comes the cold hearted doctor who would comment like that.
The rooms are so and so. Rather bad. The outside facade of the hospital and the reception area is updated to keep up with the trends, but not the inner rooms. Its used like a honey trap. The rooms are as built years ago and in not so good condition. The recliner beds are still manual, making it a complete necessary for someone to be there to raise and lower the bed manually. I dont know why they charge so hefty as a luxury hospital but. I guess greed. "Oh, they charge so much for this, why shouldnt we?" Is the attitude of indian doctors. You see doctors charging you 500 in their small clinics or houses because in fortis or Apollo its so much. Basically we as patients are also not discerning and gullible to such greedy doctors. Cant argue with the doctors and they take advantage of it.
Back to the story. When having contractions, I was in need of different reclining positions as the pain levels increased and decreased. It was very difficult with the last century crickety manual recliners.
They have copied through other trendy hospitals in charging hefty but have not updated their equipments. Though the doctors have updated their fees and the outer facade of their hospitals, they are yet to follow it through where its needed most, the inside. Many doctors dont even have the courtesy to lay a tissue roll on the examination bed so as to maintain hygiene but want 500rs because in big hospitals its so. Do they have a cost setup like a fortis or a Apollo. I am not advocating the big hospitals. They have their share of crime but highlighting the selfishness of doctors in general. Same goes at Divakars. She travels so much abroad. At least she can get some of the hygiene practices to her hospitals.
Dr. Hema Divakar charges extra for delivery by her in her hospital. Even if you pay and choose her, her assistants would often come in for the check ups more than her. Its better to be handled by a single doctor in the end phase at least. Otherwise your forced to give the different doctors updates in the middle of your pain. And its extremely uncomfortable to have internal examinations by 3 different set of hands. Dr. Hema is very skilled in internal examinations but her juniors are horrible. I felt raw because of multiple internals by 3 different doctors. They have to update themselves and do internals only when completely required like the doctors who are in cloudnine or other luxury hospitals whom they try to copy.
My entire pregnancy term was normal. But during the actual delivery it took a different turn and it turned out to be a difficult delivery. Dr. Hema Divakar did the main job of delivering. I was taken in for a C-section but ended up delivering by vacuum assistance.There was no organization inside OT. They had told me almost an hour back that they would take me in for a C. But the Anaesthetist had still not turned up. They had no proper idea where he was. I was left in pain with the nurses and the ayyas for some while. Believe me when your in heavy pain each minute feels like an hour. The problem was it was a flat bed they had me on and I had no respite from the contraction pains. I kept begging for some pain relievers and the nurses were helpless about what to do. Finally when Doctor Hema Divakar came, she saw I had dilated 50% and the Anaesthetist was yet to come still. She delivered it normal through Vacuum. A very painful delivery. I had to deliver lying flat, which any dumbo will know is the wrong thing to do. I am left with chronic back pain because of that. There was no provision for a normal delivery bed inside the OT. Atleast they could have moved me. Being such a senior doctor, atleast that humanity should have been there to follow through. Its just not only delivering a baby but also a care for a mothers health. Dont I have to be strong enough to raise my child. She delivered finally and left the stitches work with her junior and the ayyammas. Not even stayed back and did a complete work inspite of her extra fees. The assistant doctor did a botched up job of stitching. I ended up with one stitch on my thigh. Such a lackadaisical behaviour.
I had not carried my sanitary pads into the OT because the package included that. Inside no one had a clue about it and the ayyas got me to my room on the wheelbed all bleeding. This is what they have learnt after years of delivering. Not have an sanitary stock in a maternity hospital? I had packed an emergency supply and I gave them that in the room. The nurse who claimed on the first day that they dont give that in the package gave me a pack on checkout day. And was not even apologetic.
This is the joke with so many nurses loitering in the consultation room. Hardly any on the labour floor. Hardly any inside OT also. Phew.
The nurses have a very laidback attitude. A lot of junior nurses are not capable of their duties there. Nurses seem to have the least work. The ayyas who work there for cleaning the hospital do most of the heavy jobs. They seem to be there everywhere. I was surprised they were there in the operating theatre too. It looked weird.
Ayyas lift you on the wheelbed. Ayyas wear aprons in the operating theater. They are the ones who give bath to your newborn, not the nurses. It feels unhygienic to have your baby bathed by the ayyas, especially since they clean the hospital toilets and clean up a lot of blood mess in the same clothes which they wear throughout the same day. Ayyas give UV light for your episiotomy wounds. The nurses are given only report writing work I guess.
The hospital needs a good PR, HR and a good makeover to be called a luxury delivery unit.
If Dr. Hema travels during your labour, you will be left with the mercy of the assistants. I have heard she does that. And maybe thats why she pushes you onto her juniors.Not a good sign . I took an extreme risk by delivering there. So others please think twice before going there.
When I went there for my follow up after delivery, the receptionist coolly blew me off saying Dr. Hema is very busy and it will be days before I can get a consultation with her. Wow! So I can meet her junior or nothing. My god what a rip off hospital. Its like luring patients with her credentials and then leaving them hanging once they are ripped off their money and health.
I delivered my first baby at cloud nine jayanagar with Dr.Brunda 6 years back. You will see Dr. Brundas worth at the labour stage and when delivering. She is the most considerate person for a delivering woman to have. She will be through the entire stage, and take care of every minute detail. A perfect doctor to have. I went to Divakars seeing the reviews on net and feedbacks from some friends. Also it was closer to my house. A big mistake.
All doctors are into making money but Dr. Hema is a one step ahead.
The doctors these days are more keen on charging hefty fees because some new luxury hospital in town is doing so. They dont think of the luxury the new hospital is providing but. They give a facelift to the entrance and voila its a honey trap for moneyed patients who never learn that in India looks are deceptive.
Inside the hospital it remains as it was decades ago. You dont experience the inner sanctuary unless you have been there.
Divakars is just one of the Copycat hospitals who call themselves luxury hospital with their useless packages.
Try suing a hospital in India. The case will run for years. The court will give you a piddly amount like 5000rs for the injustice. You would have lost lakhs on the lawyer and the travel but. Till the day our courts charge hefty fine doctors are going to keep taking us for a ride. Jai Hind!