Django Unchanned is Written and Directed by Quentin Tarantino, Starring James Foxx, Christoph Waltz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kerry Washington and Samuel L. Jackson and many more supporting roles.
In 1958 Texas, the Speck brothers, Ace and Dicky, drive a group of black slaves on foot. On their way Dr. Schultz, a German Dentist turned bounty hunter stopped by and asks to buy one of the slaves. Schultz is on the trial of the murderous brittle brothers, and only Django(one of the black slave) can lead him to his bounty. The unorthodox Schultz acquires Django with a promise to free him upon the capture of the brittle - dead or alive. "Success leads Schultz to free Django, though the two men choose not to go their separate ways".
Instead, Schultz seeks out the Souths most wanted criminals with Django by his side. Honing vital hunting skills, Django remains focused on one goal: finding and rescuing Broomhilda(Kerry Washington), the wife he lost to the slave trade long ago. Django and Schultzs search ultimately leads them to Calvin Candie( Leonardo DiCaprio), the proprietor of "Candyland, " an infamous plantation where slaves are groomed by trainer Ace Woody(Kurt Russel) to battle each other for support. Exploring the compound under false pretenses, Django and Schultz arouse the suspension of Stephen(Sameul L. Jackson), Candies trusted house slave. There moves are marked, and a treacherous organisation closes in on them.
If Django and Schultz are to escape with Broomhilda, they must choose between independence and solidarity, between sacrifice and survival." After the death of Schultz, Django takes Broomhildas freedom papers. When Calvins mourners return from his burial, Django kills Lara and the remaining Henchmen, release the two remaining hlouse slaves and kneecaps Ace before igniting the dynamite that he has planted throughout the mansion. Django and Broomhilda watch from a distance as the mansion explodes, killing Ace, before they ride together. Django Unchained by Cinematography is done by Robert Richardson who was nominated for 2013 Academy Award for Best Cinematography.