*She is like a timid fawn who would flee,
but thus she hurts the lion-hearted.- A Fatemi Poet.
The definition of beauty differs from person to person and one forms his own opinion where Beauty is concerned. So there cannot be a defined statement made about Beauty itself. Well it lies in the hands of the writer too, the expressions used to make something beautiful or Vice-Versa. In short, one cannot define beauty in its sole form.
Talking about BEAUTY Pageants bringing out the beauty of the person.
Well, to start with there are pageants organized in cities\metros and then reach one Finale, to decide the winner.
How many people who are beautiful like to take part in these pageants, but due to some restrains are not able to give in their entries and even enter the contests.
The ones who enter these contests have several rules and regulations to adhere too, even while filling in the entry forms. For E.g.: Height, Weight and general measurements(do correct me if I am wrong) which are very essentials of these pageants. as these competitions claim to bring out the beauty and brains put to-gather. The question here that arises is are we talking of external or eternal beauty?
Being practical, I would like to make a statement here is that what initially attracts is the physical beauty& seen many a times(one easily says no to that) but its a fact, when a beautiful woman passes by you&how many can vouch as to not giving a second look&as the initial attraction even without a pageant in our day to day life& one feels the head turns in the presence Of a beautiful woman(many would not like admitting that I guess) for e.g. At parties, weddings, social functions etc.
But taking all this into consideration, one feels that the real beauty is not really known. These pageants are more commercially based, and have certain rules and regulations, which get followed. Too think of these beauty pageants have given us international recognition to our country, cause we have winners like Sushmita Sen, Aishwarya Rai, Lara Dutta, Diya Mirza to name a few. Apart from that, theses are very commercialized pageants.I think the beauty of the person is totally dont bring out the beauty of the person, apart from physical beauty(Cause the question & Ans rounds are just one or two where the person gets to speak his mind or an extempo that too in a few lines)
Beauty should come from within in your day to day life, in your attitude, in your mannerism, in your social culture.
Beauty according to me, is being self and having an identity of your own. To quote:A Lady is a woman who makes a man behave like a Gentleman. - R Keynes.
This topic is such that one could continue writing loads and loads of thoughts and opinions, but let me end it here by a quote I read sometime ago and has been since very inspiring.
Beautiful Young people are Accidents of Nature
Beautiful Old People Create Themselves