BEAUTY lies in the eye of the you think twice before speaking to someone who is not goodlooking and like to make friends with a good-looking student in your class?would u not go outwith your cousin, who has come from abroad, is pretty and intelligent, and make it a point to introduce him to all your friends? and, avoid your other cousin who hails from your village what is beautiful is good , is what wa al believe in. isnt this practiced by all most everyone , today?
So should we follow the standards set by society or should we do something that we believe in.what we should never forget is that everyone is beautiful, in his or her own way.God didnt differentiate when he createdus.then, why should we?beauty is something which is inborn .its impossible to change your, the next time you look into the mirror and think you are not good looking.just believe in your self and you will achieve what you desire!!