If the Dobro is the state of dealerships for suzuki, for it to make a mark in Indian Bike market; You have to come a long way baby. This is a machivilian machination, who intimidate you at first sight, then sweet talk you with all the freebies avilable but do not give them when you buy. When you consider the sheer size of the dealership along with the showrooms good looks, which simply oozes eliteness mesmerizing you with huge glass windows, the Hayabusa displayed in the center with chunky tyres and an excellently sculpted body.
The marketing manager having a seroiusly remote expression with the sales guys meeting him and requesting him to favour you -the customer.He reluctantly agreeing and you are the fly stuck in th icing on the cake, you bought but cant eat. When the Dobro dealership is judged solely by it’s bike servicing, it sure beats other ’dealers" in technicals and an attentive, knowlegable expert crew. But customer service is not their forte. To know that they keep your service book with themselves and not call you for your next service and when you go late, they tell it lapsed because you didnt come in time is. I have no words for it.