Hello friends
I will tell about todays latest movie one of the awaited movie from marvel
the most notable thing about Doctor Strange isnt its dizzying visual effects or
its kaleidscopic action sequence, its how time goes by before the movie reminds you thts its set in the marvel cinematic universe.arount the moviehalfway through its two hourrun time .
its bodes well for the universe next crop of heros, rather than feeding into the ever expanding, ever more comlicated narrative web in MCU, Strange wins big by staying small.
At the films outset, strangea hotshot neurosurgeon with a healthy dash of tony stark arrogance, gets in a serious car crash which rendrs his hand .
its one of the good movie in marvel collection.
u not going with ur girlfrd becuse girls not intersted and its is not again again watch this movie not that much exictement in that movie but overall if u belive marvel super hero then go for it frends watch it.