I Never thought that a book could so lucidly depict all the ifs and buts, glory and gloom, rise and fall, emotions and practicality, joys and sorrows thru which a medical student who is going to become doctor one day has to go till I red this book.i am my self a medical student now in my final year.i had read that book some 4 years back at that time I was not knowing that the book is so near the real picture in life.
but this book really is great as now a lot of time in my life a lot of things happen the same way , i think a lot of time the same way like it is mentioned in the book.
it seems sometime that a fortuneteller has told me my path of life beforehand
and I know almost all the things I do like I had been knowing them
and the emotional impact it creates. the tensions of medical life it portrays, and the ups and downs of love life mentioned in the book are so real..............
and the put of emotions along with a practical approach to live life is immaculate
i things there can be no other masterpiece like this which could so clearly paint the whole 5 medical years before anybody