On the onset, I would like to thank my sweet MS friend Smita(chintu25) for introducing me to the literary world of Indian authors. Prior to this, my favourites included - Erich Segal, Danielle Steel, Paulo Coelho, Mitch Albom, so on and so forth. On her recommendation, I had gone searching for The Waiting Room though not from the same author, when this title caught me off-gaurd. This is my first book by Mrs. Sudha Murty but definitely not the last. I have already received 2 more recommendations and have decided to take the recos seriously now.
After the title, the next thing that attracts you is the size(By size I obviously mean the # of pages). From the back cover, it seemed like just another saas-bahu saga. Thanks to the small screen queen, Ekta Kapoor, I dread these soaps. But as luck would have it, I picked it up on an impluse. Fortunately, I did not let this one adorn my shelf for long. I started reading the same evening and to the readers and my own amusement, it was over in 3 hours flat. This is perhaps what you call an unputdownable read.
What I felt after reading the book, is what a review should be all about. So please excuse my initial blabbering.
The story revolves around, Shamanna and Gauris middle-class family settled in Bangalore. The former personifies contentment while the latter is a clever and ambitious lady. They have 2 sons and a daughter: Chandru, Girish and Surabhi respectively. Gauramma as they lovingly call their mom dreams of having her kids settled in the US so that they can all lead an affluent life.
Chandru, a civil engineer by profession fulfills her mothers ambitions and goes to the US. As expected he eventually decides to settle down there. Dollars start pouring into their household, life becomes comfortable but still Gaurammas thirst is not quenched. Meanwhile, Girish, a bank clerk is a simple guy who is married to Vinuta, who also hails from a modest family. She quickly adjusts in her new home and takes care of everyone quite well. She tries her best to keep her family happy, especially her mother-in-law. Gauramma though is not impressed. She then marries Chandru to the only daughter of a rich businessman Jamuna. Jamuna as we later find out is cunning and self-centered lady. From here start the constant comparisons between Jamuna and Vinuta. Gauramma is always all praises for her Dollar Bahu and doesnt leave any opportunity to belittle Vinuta. For Jamunas delivery, Gauramma finally gets an opportunity to visit the US and her life long desire seems to be getting fulfilled.
* What happens after that will not be revealed here and is for you to read and enjoy.
- Before leaving for uS, Chandru is posted toDharwad, the author has described its natural beauty very lucidly.
"It was the month of shravan, the rainy season. All of Dharwad was celebrating, the city a riot of color. Against the rich red earth, the trees, shrubs and bushes displayed every shade of green. The air was fragrant with the scent of flowers, bright yellow champak, delicate white jasmine and roses in all shades of red and pink."
- Similarly when Gauramma reaches US, her anticipation and its fulfillment has been captured beautifully through the following lines:
"What a difference between this land and India. No teeming crowds or cyclists pushing their way through, no rickshaws, cows, bulls, donkeys, horses,
hand-carts; just zooming cars and more cars. The Hindu epics describe different kinds of worlds like nagaloka, yashaloka, kinnaraloka. What kind of loka is
*1. At times, in life there is no villain, but circumstances choose to be our enemies. Due to the poverty and lack of education that Gauramma has witnessed in her childhood, shes enchanted by the dollar as iron fillings are attracted to a magnet and thus resorts to all these comparisons.
- The author has tried to answer quite convincingly why a majority of us have a deep rooted desire to fly off to other countries. Some of the reasons are that people who work hard are suitably rewarded there. Single women, widowed or divorced are not treated with contempt. No power cuts, water shortages or corruption and the list is quite long. And I feel this is true to a very large extent.
In India on the other hand, we are marred with corruption, unemployment, poverty and scarcity of resources to name a few. Still, we the people make India and remember that a rose is always accompanied with thorns.
- But as they say, every coin has 2 sides. staying abroad has its cons too. We leave our families and friends back home and try to look for the same kind of warmth in the new friendships there. We want our kids to study abroad, gel with the Americans but still imbibe our culture and traditions, leading them into an identity crisis of sorts.
*1. First and foremost, I found the story very contemporary. The dollar has still not lost its charm and does cause rifts in many homes.
This story explores the hustle and tussle of staying in India or abroad very nicely.
The book is a light breezy read. The story has been narrated in a very simply but emphatic manner. The author is definitely successful in driving home her point. For those who like lots of twists and turns, this is a strict no-no.
The characters have been sketched well and the best part is that they seem realistic.
Readers who feel that America is some wonderland might not be able to digest this fully. But remember, the grass across the fence always seems greener. I would recommend that incase you are contemplating of going abroad or settling there, do give it one read. It might just prove to be an eye-opener.
Even if you are India, its a casual definitely once-read kind.
Mrs. Sudha Murty is wife of Infosys Chief, Mr. Narayan Murty.
Dollar Bahu is the English translation of her very popular Kannada novel: Dollar Sosea.
It has also been translated into Hindi, Telugu and Tamil.
This novel was introduced as a text book for degree courses in Mysore University.
A TV serial inspired by the novel was telecast on Zee from 2001-2004.
Thanks for reading till here. Friends, your comments are invaluable and a motivating factor.
Looking forward to bouquets and brickbats galore:-).