Ive been using the Trump sim card from the past few months & I like, almost all their services. It has the cheapest rates, compared to other cellular companies in Mumbai. The PCO, STD & ISD rates are low. There is No Charge for SMS & all Incoming calls i.e. they are completely Free. The service charges for refill/recharge are also low. For eg: A refill card/voucher costing Rs.324 gives u about Rs. 200 as talktime, the remaining amount is service charge, around Rs. 100 & Sales Tax - Rs.24. The customer service is very good.
The only thing I dont like about the Trump (Dolphin) service is that the reception coverage & voice clarity are not good, compared to the other cellular companies. This gave me problems while making ISD calls & some call errors.
So I bought a BPL Mots sim card, which turned out to be expensive for me i.e. there were higher charges on all incoming & out-going calls, sms, use of some other services provided by BPL cellular. The ISD rates were very high compared to other cellular companies, it was about Rs.16/minute & the same rate applied for ISD Incoming calls. The minimum refill rate was Rs. 324, were Rs.150 was talktime, Rs.150 were service charges & Rs.24 Sales tax. Apart from the rates, the services were good.
Next, recently, I bought an Airtel Magic sim card. It is a little better than Trump & Mots, with its BADAA SIM technology & services. Their services were a bit slow. eg: If I send an SMS at 9am to Raj, Raj would receive it at 2 or 3pm. This happens sometimes, mostly its ok.
But apart from all this, I still prefer using Trump & I still use Trump, at present. I use Airtel Magic very rarely & Ive sold my BPL Mots sim to some1 else.