I AM CURRENTLY A TRUMP user before I was using some other service some of my relatives told me to go for trump before but I did not listen as I had heard that the service was bad.
Then after one year or so when other cellular companies increased their rates decreasing the talk-time from Rs 150 to Rs 125. I was compelled to switch over to trump as I have to pay my bills from my pocket money so I opted for trump
Right from the first time I started liking the service. the rates are also very reasonable. No hidden cost.
sms which has become a regular work just cost me 50 Ps. (this rate is fixed one need not pay some thing extra for enjoying this service).
National SMS cost me only re1 only. Recharge options are also very affordable
One person who uses mobiles just in case of emergency & to stay in touch TRUMP IS THE BEST OPTION .
One thing that I like about trump is that there are no useless calls on my mobile advising me to change to post paid services and asking me any personal information. Besides being a government venture secrecy is assured.
There are some drawbacks of using trump. for eg the main and the fore most is the network coverage. It is not reachable in trains, shopping malls and other closed places. But one gets a call only thing is that one cannot hear what other one is saying.
So if you are to use mobile just to stay in touch then the best option is TRUMP