It seems like Dominos Pizza has been forever. We use it once in awhile in a pinch. Their advertisements hit us in the face from all sides, from the commercials on TV with Bad Andy to billboards and bus ads. And lets face it, Dominos is usually pretty good about running specials.
For us, it is a once in awhile convenience. My husband is a diabetic so we keep fast food like Dominos and other fast food to a minimum since this kind of stuff is loaded with fat and salt. It isn’t the healthiest food around.
While Dominos Pizza tastes okay, I find it doesnt taste as fresh as their competitor, Papa Johns. To me, Dominos tends to be greasy and a bit soggy.
On the occasions that we do order from Dominos, the delivery is quick and is usually to us within half an hour. This is truly their one saving grace.
I find that when I call Dominos the hold button is something that the employees use way too much. I realize that I am not their only customer, but it would be nice not to be put on hold every time I call in.
Courtesy and enthusiasm could use improvement. A lot of times when I call in, I usually get someone that does the bare minimum in the courtesy department and sounds horribly bored. There is no bigger turn off then an order taker who gives off the impression that he or she doesnt want to be there and cant be bothered. I guess it is probably a good thing that I dont call Dominos too often.
My recommendation is that Dominos is okay in a pinch but if you order pizza on a regular basis then you might want to call another company.